Today I gotta be brief. I’m halfway through a final revision of my new medical thriller The Neah Virus, but I’ve got to get away from this computer and take in some fresh Seattle air. What better place to do so than at “On The Lam,” Amazon’s parade of authors with its new mystery/thriller publishing imprint, Thomas & Mercer (named for the intersection where Amazon’s headquarters stand).
This looks like a fun daylong event in which a whole passel of writers extoll the wonders of working with Amazon. For my own part, I’ll sidle up kinda easy-like. I’m not too sure I want ANY publisher owning part of what I create. My experience of the movie optioning of my Dinosaur Wars books to a major Hollywood film company has taught me that the modern author really doesn’t need any help.
However, I’ll be all eyes and ears. Maybe there’s something particularly good about the deals Amazon is handing out to mystery and thriller writers. If so, I might just be interested.